Hope Association is a fund-raising organisation based in south-west France run by volunteers dedicated to providing donations to support other associations that care for, re-home and foster animals.
Please note that we are neither a refuge nor a rescue association and we don’t foster animals nor fund veterinary care. However, other animal rescue associations are able to use our website to advertise homeless animals in their care that need to be fostered or adopted. See Adoption.
We also provide guidance notes about lost, found and injured animals. See Animal advice
Through the tireless work of Hope Association’s volunteers & the kind generosity of the public, we are able to provide financial donations to many animal associations. During 2023, through the Hope Charity Shop and other events we made donations of 212,501 €.
We desperately need new volunteers. Hope Association volunteers help at our Hope Charity Shop and Hope Book Fayres. They also bake cakes (email: ) and get involved in other fund-raising activities. If you are interested in helping please go to our Contact Form, select “Volunteering” from the drop-down menu and send a message.